Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)

Detailed Sub-Project Proposal (DSPP)

To extend Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)’s support to the Microenterprise (ME) clusters and the MEs through the selected POs, the project is following a systematic process which starts with the invitation for Sub-Project Concept Note (SPCN) from the partner organizations. The PMU supports the POs to submit the SPCN through a workshop where the submission process is discussed in details. After the awarding of SPCN, the partner organizations are invited to submit the Detailed Sub-Project Proposal (DSPP) which includes details of the sub-project activities. The objective of the DSPP is therefore to assess the detail plan and needs of the cluster and cluster members to implement the proposed common activities of the sub-project. After the approval of the DSPP from PKSF management and no objection from the World Bank, the partner organizations are awarded with the DSPP.